We are closed
Women's Massage Therapy is now permanently closed. Thank you for 13 years of support!
Looking for a referral?
For therapeutic massage:
Carrie Brown: I have worked with Carrie for a while. She has a very similar style to my own. She is willing to mask if asked.
Phone: 773.322.0754
Location: 833 Foster St. Evanston, IL 60201
Jeff Muskovin: I had several sessions with Jeff back in 2019. He has a very gentle, intuitive approach. He is willing to mask if asked.
Phone: 847.778.7020
Location: 1609 Sherman Ste, 320 Evanston, IL 60201
Melissa Alexander: Melissa works out of the Heartwood Center as well, so you already know how to get to her. I have not personally experienced her work, but have interacted with her and find that she has a similar philosophy to my own. She is willing to mask if asked.
Phone: 850.673.3356
Location: 1818 Dempster St. Evanston, IL 60202
For prenatal or postpartum massage:
Becca Grimwade Brown: I took a class with Becca several years ago, and she is very well versed in pregnancy and prenatal massage. She is willing to mask if asked.
Phone: 773.230.7099
Location: 1636 W Belmont Chicago, IL 60657
Tetiana Pshenychna: I have not worked with Tetiana, but she and I have discussed her work style and philosophy, and I think she would be a good therapist to try. She focuses on medical, sports, prenatal, and relaxation massage. She is willing to mask if asked.
Phone: 773.551.5397
Location: 540 Frontage Rd. Ste. 2240 Northfield, IL 60093
Want to look up more practitioners?
AMTA: The American Massage Therapy Association is one of the governing bodies for massage therapists. You can search for members using their Find a Massage Therapist tool. Just put in your location and the type of massage you are looking for, and you can see which members are nearby.
Heartwood Center: Several practitioners on this list work out of the Heartwood Center, but there are many more practitioners there. Contact Heartwood for further referrals.
Phone: 847.491.9858
Location: 1818 Dempster St. Evanston, IL 60202
Interested in something new? Try a different modality:
Nathan Torrence: Nathan performs shiatsu and katsugen. I saw him for shiatsu work several times many years ago and can recommend his work. He has a very gentle approach, so would e a good fit for many of you. He also works out of the Heartwood Center. He is willing to mask if asked.
Phone: 847.302.2181 | Location: 1818 Dempster St. Evanston, IL 60202
Joe Ingraffia: Joe is my next door neighbor at Heartwood. He does shiatsu and Thai massage, as well as personal training and fitness. I have seen him for bodywork a couple of times and am happy to recommend him and his work. He is willing to mask if asked.
Phone: 312.848.5547 | Location: 1818 Dempster St. Evanston, IL 60202
Sarah Westbrook: Sarah is a yoga therapist offering both private and group classes out of the Heartwood Center. I have taken class with Sarah and can recommend her work. She really pays attention to each student and their needs and helps them to make appropriate accommodations. She is willing to mask if asked.
Phone: 847.544.9571 | Location: 1818 Dempster St. Evanston, IL 60202
Zen Shiatsu: Zen Shiatsu is a shiatsu school near downtown Evanston. They offer student clinics as well as sessions with licensed professionals. I have worked with several practitioners there over the years and have done many of their continuing education courses and am happy to recommend them. If you are concerned about masking, call to find out their policy.
Phone: 847.864.1131 | Location: 818 Lake St. Ste B Evanston, IL 60201
Cora (formerly Chiropractic First): I was a patient at Chiropractic First for several years. They have recently changed their name to Cora, but still provide excellent chiropractic care. If you are concerned about masking, call to find out their policy.
Phone: 847.869.1313 | Location: 832 Dempster St. Evanston, IL 60201
Trufit: One of the things that has helped me with my own pain management is working with a personal trainer. I highly recommend the trainers at Trufit. Izzy, the owner can help you to find the right trainer to fit your own demographic and needs.
Phone: 312.497.8999 | Location: 610 Davis St. 2nd floor Evanston, IL 60201